Saturday, July 5, 2008

Leaving in a month!

For years I have been waiting, rather impatiently, to begin a relationship with Africa. I've read the books, taken the African history class, and watched so many documentaries that they are beginning to blur together. All of them, it seems, depict children playing soccer, line ups for food, women sweeping huts, machetes and mass graves, and well-meaning white NGO workers in khaki shorts. And they all seem to be about the resilience of the African people. I wonder about this. I watch these documentaries in the same way I, as a nursing student, examine a patient's bed sore. How can they live with such a raw open wound? What do they do with the pain? Whenever I meet an African immigrant, I am as inquiring and polite as any Canadian should be, and yet I really want to stare at them. For an inappropriate amount of time. And I want to find out who they are, and how they got to be who they are. I know I might not be able to ever understand them completely, but I certainly can gain more understanding than I have now. I worry, sometimes, that my fascination with all things African might be a little naive.   
And so, in attempt to become less naive, I'm heading to Tanzania with the CPAR study tour. On the trip, I expect to be frustrated, inspired, surprised, tired, overwhelmed, and uncomfortable at times. It'll be great. I hope to observe the relationship that the CPAR staff have with the Tanzanian people, I hope to learn a little of who these people are, and above all I hope to gain insight into how I might begin to have a real relationship with them myself.


from away said...


I'm so excited for you and extremely envious... can I say jealous? I can't wait to read about and be inspired by the work that you do in Africa.


Vicki said...

Hi Sarah,

I am curious what inspired you to go on the study tour? I didn't qaulify to go this year, but I still fight with that fascination of going. I don't think a week long safari will give me what i am somewhat seeking. What inspired you to go? Have you gotten involved with international development since this experience? I would love to hear what you have to say about the opportunities and share your experiences. Thanks Vicki